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Mental health billing is difficult. The benefits are different. Sometimes just finding out who handles the claims can be a chore. Deductibles, co-pays, parity or non parity benefits, self funded plans, EAP programs, health savings accounts, workers comp, oh and don't forget....Obamacare! 


Mental Health is changing and so is your need for office adminstration and practice management. CPT codes have changed, the new DSM 5 will begin next year, the ICD 10 is replacing the ICD 9 and new reimbursement methods have been introduced. Yet, you still need to keep up with your clinical practice while insuring that the business portion of your practice is expertly managed.


Employees are an expensive proposition both in terms of your time and expense. Our billing service is a much better option both from efficiency and quality perspectives. You will no longer have to spend your time and money on salaries, workers compensation, payroll taxes, an accountant to calulate the payroll taxes, vacation and sick pay plus medical insurance, besides the time it takes to hire and train your employess.



Expert Mental Health Billing Solutions

We specialize in mental health billing and administration.
The most common complaint we hear from psychotherapists is that managing the business portion, specifically insurance claims, of their practice takes too much time. 
We totally understand. It is a full time job.
And it requires experience. 
You were trained to care for the needs of your patients, not dealing with the sometimes chaotic, time consuming world of health insurance. That's our job.
We have the time and experience to manage the
business needs of your practice.


Mental Health Billing Solutions

Psychotherapy Billing Systems

587 Park Creek Drive

Clovis, California 93611


P. 559-323-8591

F. 559-324-1261


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