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Our Mission and Vision at Psychotherapy Billing Systems

Our mission is to partner with you in the shared goal of managing and growing your practice. We want to reduce your administrative burdens so that you can spend more time with your patients. 


It's very important for us to have a good working relationship. Our job depends on having good communication, openness and dialogue.

You want a consitent cash flow, we will submit your billing daily/weekly as soon as it is received.

We know that you want your accounts to be accurate, current and timely.


Our goal is to keep your business thriving. We want to keep patients coming back to you and protect your time to see them.


Our Mission and Vision - Psychotherapy Billing Systems

Psychotherapy Billing Systems

587 Park Creek Drive

Clovis, California 93611


P. 559-323-8591

F. 559-324-1261


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