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As a mental health professional, it's important to understand the differences between in-network and out-of-network insurance coverage for you clients. Knowing these differences can help you provide your clients with the best information and support when it comes to their mental health care needs.


In-network providers are those who have a contract with a particular insurance company to provide care to their members. This means that these providers have agreed to accept a negotiated rate for their services. In-network providers typically offer lower costs for both the insurance company and the member, as the insurance company covers a larger portion of the cost of service.

As an in-network provider you will be added to the insurance company's database as a provider to choose from. This can result in a larger pool of clients, as patients tend to look on their insurance company's website first when looking for a new provider. Being contracted with certain insurance companies can also boost your referrals since providers are likely to refer their patients to another provider within the same network.

Out-of-network providers, on the other hand, do not have a contract with a particular insurance company. As a result, they can set their own rates and are not bound by the negotiated rates that the in-network providers are. Out-of-network providers are typically more expensive for both the insurance company and the patient, as the insurance company covers a smaller portion of the cost of service.


It is important to review your clients insurance policy and coverage to ensure that they are aware of any potential differences in the coverage for in-network and out-of-network providers. You can also help your clients to understand their insurance benefits by providing them with information about their plan, including any out-of-pocket costs they may be responsible for, such as copays and/or deductibles.

Understanding the differences between in-network and out-of-network insurance coverage is essential for mental health professionals. By being knowledgeable about these differences, you can provide your clients with the best possible support when it comes to their mental health care needs.



Psychotherapy Billing Systems

587 Park Creek Drive

Clovis, California 93611


P. 559-323-8591

F. 559-324-1261


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